Art Analysis
Resemblance of Home This beautiful art piece was illustrated by Ken Lisbourne in 1981, it's called "Eskimo Dance" and is located in Tikigaq a.k.a, Point Hope, Alaska. I'm from Wainwright, Alaska, which is located on the North Slope such as Point Hope, as some of you may know. This painting depicts the Tikigaq people enjoying their traditional "Qagruq" once-a-year whaling feast. In case you weren't aware, the North Slope region's coastal villages take part in subsistence whaling every spring. Two of those communities, however, start fall whaling because bowhead whales don't arrive until August. which coincides with the bowheads' migration eastward. The elements I chose to discuss regarding this piece are color, tone, and shapes . Ken used neutral, warm, and vibrant colors. The vibrant and neutral parts of the painting present a bit of a calming feeling. Of course, the people Ken painted aren't looking realistic, but more of a 2-dimension...